Liigutav lugu ühest Keenia jooksjast
Minu treeningpartner Ibrahim Mukunga Wachira on üks nendest vähestest
Keenia jooksjatest, kellel on õnnestunud Euroopasse võistlema pääseda.
Mukunga teab väga hästi, mida tähendab nälg, surm, koduta elu ning raske töö.
Hoolimata oma edust jooksjana, ei ole ta unustanud oma lähedasi. Tal on suur
süda! Järgmine video on lugu Mukunga elust ja Keenia kodust.
My training partner Ibrahim Mukunga Wachira is one of the few Kenyan
runners who has succeeded to race in Europe. Mukunga knows much about hunger,
homeless life, death and hard work. Despite his success as a runner he
has never forgotten his family. He has a big heart! Next movie is a story
about him and about his home in Kenya.

The project is sponsored by SPORTLAND
and videos are produced by ROSENVALD
This movie is the fifth out of nine which were produced in 2014 in Kenya. The movie clips introduce the local running culture, stories of Kenyan runners, eating habits, nature, experiences of Estonian runners in Kenya and more.
Next movie will be published on 18 June 2014.
Hea video. Soovin et Mukunga saavutab oma sihid ja rohkemgi. Indrekule aga tänud ja jõudu aitamaks neid unistusi täide viia!