Inconspicuous helper
Täna tähistab oma järjekordset sünnipäeva Mark Misch. Kellega
on tegu?
Markiga kohtusin esmakordselt Colorado treeninglaagris
aastal 2009. Sellest ajast oleme regulaarselt suhelnud. Ta on üks nendest
inimestest, kes armastab jookmist ning peab lugu jooksjatest. Peale selle, et
ta on Colorado Ülikooli jooksjate treener, jääb tal aega üle aidata ka teisi
sportlasi. Mina olen üks nendest, keda ta on aastate jooksul oma nõu ja jõuga
aidanud. Mitmed USA treeninglaagrid ja võistlused võiks just tänu temale
kordaläinuks nimetada.
tsitaat: „Päeva lõpus pole vahet, kui kiiresti sa
oled jooksnud või kui palju oled treeninud. Loeb vaid see, kas nautisid seda
tegevust, millega tegelesid.“
Today, Mark Misch celebrates his
birthday. Who is he?
I first met Mark at a training
camp in Colorado in 2009. From that time on, we have been regularly in
contact. He is one of the people who loves running and who thinks highly of
runners. In addition to coaching the runners at the University of Colorado,
he also has time to help other athletes. I am one of the people whom he has
helped over the years. Many of the training camps and competitions in the
United States I can consider successful precisely because of him.
quote by Mark: ˮAt the end of the
day, it does not matter how fast you have run or how much you have practiced.
What matters is whether you enjoyed what you did.ˮ
Me, Mark Misch and Nikolai Vedehin (November 2009, Colorado) |
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