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Varasema aasta pilt Birminghami maratoni stardist The picture of Birmingham marathon from recent year |
Võitsin raske
rajatrassiga Birminghami maratoni Alabamas uue võistlusrekordiga. Kuna
võistluse peasponsor oli autotootja Mercedes-Benz, siis nii mõnigi uudishimulik
päris kas sain auhinnaks uue auto. Eks hoidke Tartus silmad lahti…
kõik minu salajased eesmärgid täitusid – jooksuvõit, uus võistlusrekord ning
aeg alla 2.19-ne (2:18.38). Tegemist on minu esimese maratonivõiduga!
I won the hilly
Birmingham marathon in Alabama with the new event record. The head sponsor of
that marathon was German car company Mercedes-Benz. Some of my friends have
asked did I won a new MB? You better keep your eyes opened in my hometown
All of my secret
dreams came true – victory, new event record and time under 2.19 (2:18.38). It is my
first ever victory in marathon distance.
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Eriline moment A special moment (Photo by UAB student paper) |
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Pilt võistlussituatsioonist 2018 The picture from the race 2018 |
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Rajaprofiil The elevation map |
The competition
was held in the city of Birmingham. Humidity was high, the weather was little
bit rainy, roads were slippery. Until the half distance I had a group to run with. The second half I took over the leadership and ran faster than the
first half of the distance. At the end I had enough energy to break the event
record in 10 seconds. In this race I got lots of new information for my next
marathon which will be held in Berlin European Championships.
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Auhinnatrofee A winner's trophe |
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Pilt auhinnatseremooniast The picture from awarding ceremony |
Veel parem auhind
ootab mind hetkel Eestis, minu perekond – lapsed ja viimased päevad lapseootel
naine. Kõigest mõni tund pärast maratoni istusin lennukile ning põrutasin
Chicago kaudu Euroopasse. Seda suurt sündmust ei tohi maha magada! Õigeks ajaks
kohalejõudmine on suurem võit kui mistahes maratonis esimesena lõpetada.
Lastest olen paraku eemal olnud kaks kuud.
The better award
is waiting for me in Estonia, my family – children and my pregnant wife. Only
few hours after my marathon the Scandinavian Airlines took me back to Europe. I
can’t miss our third baby birth. To reach at home before the due date is bigger
achievement than any victory in marathon race. Unfortunately I have been away
from home about two months.
Päev numbritega mõõdetuna The day in numbers |
20 tunnine lennureis maratonile otsa 20h travel on the top of the marathon race |
Tänan kõiki kaasaelajaid sellel suurepärasel teekonnal.
Thank you all who have been supporting me trough out this adventure.
Nimeliselt mainin ära minu praegused meeskonnaliikmed:
Here I bring out some names and sponsors:
Here I bring out some names and sponsors:
Treener (coach) Mark Misch
Treener ja mänedžer (coach and manager) Harry Lemberg
Vaimulik mentor (spiritual mentor) Brad Bartz
Massöör (masseur) Peeter Nigol (Colorados)Spordiarstid (sports doctors) Agnes Mägi, Nadezhda Ignatjeva ja Mihkel Mardna
Abikaasa (wife) Maili koos lastega (children)
Head sponsor
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