Saabusin neljapäeval elusalt, tervelt ning rõõmsalt Londonisse! Maailmameistrivõistluste maraton algab pühapäeval, Eesti aja järgi kell 12.55 pm. Eesti televisioon teeb võistlusest otseülekande!
Happy, healthy and alive - I arrived to London! The World Championships in marathon will be held on Sunday at 10.55 am (local time). There are plenty of TV channels which are broadcasting that race.
Esimene päev on mõõdunud suurvõistlustele kohaselt - värvikalt. Dopingukontroll saabus lausa 6.20 hommikul, olin esimene kellelt täna verd võeti. Toanaaber Roman ärkas varajase äratuse peale pahuralt üles, küsides kas nad tund aega hiljem poleks võinud tulla, uni veel pooleli. Ametnik rahustas, et täna tülitatakse ainult Nurmet. Enesele üllatuseks olin ka esimene näiteks sportlaste akrediteerimiskeskuses.
The first day at the World Championships in Athletics has been colorful. Doping control arrived at 6.20 in the morning. My roommate asked from the doping official why didn't you come one hour later? Surprisingly I was the first guy in the office, the same way in the accreditation center.
The marathon course is almost identical to London Olympic marathon course. The race will be held on the 10 km loop. The course is pretty flat and promising the fast pace. The weather forecast should be cool and cloudy enough for the fast marathon race.
See saab olema minu elu viies maraton. Eelmine sai joostud Rio olümpial, kus saavutasin 155 mehe konkurentsis 63nda koha, ajaga 2:20.01.
This will be my fifth marathon overall. The last one was in Rio Olympics. In Rio I finished 63rd out of 155 runners, clocked 2:20.01.
My final preparation was done in Colorado Springs in six weeks, guided by coach Mark Misch and Harry Lemberg. One of the biggest change was switching the energy gels into the sports drinks. This time I am using the known Swedish sports drink during the race. I really do not want any stomach problems any more.
Tegemist on minu teistkordsete maailmameistrvõistlustega. Varem olen võistlenud ka Berliini maailmameistrivõistlustel, aastal 2009. Toona osalesin 1500 m jooksus, lõpetasin 33nda kohaga.
This is my second World Championships in Athletics. The first one was in 2009 in Berlin when I finished 33rd overall in 1500 m race.
Minu eesmärk Londonis on joosta targalt - lugeda jooksu, jagada õigesti energivarusid, reageerida tempomuudatustele ning võidelda iga sekundi ja koha eest lõpuni välja.
My purpose in London is to race smart - read the race wisely, use the energy properly, react for the tempo changes and fight for the every second and position.
Vital numbers:
Marathon distance: 42 195 m (26. 219 mi)
Number of finished marathons: 4
Personal record: 2.17.59
The goal for split times: 16.00 for every 5 k
Number of other competitors in WCH: 108
Number of countries represented in marathon: 54
Spordiarstid (doctor) Agnes Mägi jaMihkel Mardna
Abikaasa (wife) Maili koos lastega (children)
Eesti Kergejõustikuliit
Happy, healthy and alive - I arrived to London! The World Championships in marathon will be held on Sunday at 10.55 am (local time). There are plenty of TV channels which are broadcasting that race.
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I am thankful for Roman Fosti, it's a big belssing to go trough it together as estonians. Ma olen tänulik Roman Fosti eest, see on alati suur õnnistus kogemaks seda kõike koos oma kaasmaalasega. |
The first day at the World Championships in Athletics has been colorful. Doping control arrived at 6.20 in the morning. My roommate asked from the doping official why didn't you come one hour later? Surprisingly I was the first guy in the office, the same way in the accreditation center.
The marathon course is almost identical to London Olympic marathon course. The race will be held on the 10 km loop. The course is pretty flat and promising the fast pace. The weather forecast should be cool and cloudy enough for the fast marathon race.
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The marathon start will be on the famous Tower Bridge (left), next to our team hotel (right). Maratoni start toimub kuulsal Tower Bridge sillal (vasakul), eestlaste hotelli kõrval (paremal). |
This will be my fifth marathon overall. The last one was in Rio Olympics. In Rio I finished 63rd out of 155 runners, clocked 2:20.01.
My final preparation was done in Colorado Springs in six weeks, guided by coach Mark Misch and Harry Lemberg. One of the biggest change was switching the energy gels into the sports drinks. This time I am using the known Swedish sports drink during the race. I really do not want any stomach problems any more.
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Running trails in Colorado Springs. Jooksurajad Colorado Springsis. |
This is my second World Championships in Athletics. The first one was in 2009 in Berlin when I finished 33rd overall in 1500 m race.
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Berlin 2009, 1500 m heats. Berliin 2009, 1500 m eeljooksud. Foto: internet |
My purpose in London is to race smart - read the race wisely, use the energy properly, react for the tempo changes and fight for the every second and position.
Vital numbers:
Marathon distance: 42 195 m (26. 219 mi)
Number of finished marathons: 4
Personal record: 2.17.59
The goal for split times: 16.00 for every 5 k
Number of other competitors in WCH: 108
Number of countries represented in marathon: 54
Without supporters I would sit at home and watch the World Championships in Athletics!
Nimeliselt mainin ära minu praegused meeskonnaliikmed (team members):
Treener ja mänedžer (coach and manager) Harry Lemberg
Treener (coach) Mark Misch
Vaimulik mentor (mentor) Brad Bartz
Massöör (fysio) Peeter Nigol Vaimulik mentor (mentor) Brad Bartz
Spordiarstid (doctor) Agnes Mägi jaMihkel Mardna
Abikaasa (wife) Maili koos lastega (children)
Lamberts toidulisandid
Eesti Kergejõustikuliit
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